Dark Factions : The Roleplaying Game

World of Warcraft d20
Sword & Sorcery Studios

This is a table top role playing game and has no connection to the World of Warcraft MMORPG other than the name of the game and the theme. This is not a sale of any of Blizzard Entertainment's intellectual.

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property associated with the Video Game. To be clear, no in game property for the World of Warcraft is being sold.Crush the Alliance AND Horde!Naga and satyrs stir in dark places. Goblins invent crazy devices. The Atalai summon a bloodthirsty god. Azeroth is home to more than just the Alliance and Horde.Discover eight new races and fifteen factions. New game elements classes, spells, technological devices, and the like further enhance these characters. Contains eight new races, including naga, pandaren and satyrs. Contains nine prestige classes, including the brewmaster, death knight, and naga anomaly. Includes variant classes, racial iconic classes, and creature classes, allowing you to play just the sort of character you want. Brims with new feats, spells, magic items, technological devices, and other abilities and items to decimate your opponents. Contains information on the fifteen factions unaffiliated with the Alliance or Horde, including their leaders and strategies, narrated by famed dwarven explorer Brann Bronzebeard. Includes two adventures to challenge heroes of any affiliation.